I Need Help Fighting Back Agains Gang Stalkers in Salem Oregon

Jenny'south story is not linear, the way that we like stories to be. She was born in Baltimore in 1975 and had a happy, healthy childhood—her younger blood brother Danny fondly recalls the treasure hunts she would orchestrate and the elaborate plays she would write and perform with her siblings. In her late teens, she developed anorexia and low and was hospitalized for a calendar month. Despite her struggles, she graduated high school and was accepted into a prestigious liberal arts college.

There, things went downhill again. Among other issues, chronic fatigue led her to drop out. Over the next several years, she moved across the country sporadically and spontaneously—she began billowy from Florida, where Danny lives, to Baltimore to run across her grandmother, to Virginia, to Washington, DC, sometimes living in her automobile. When she was 25 she flipped that car on Florida's Sunshine Skyway Bridge in an apparent suicide endeavor. At 30, afterward experiencing delusions that she was pregnant, she was diagnosed with schizophrenia. She was hospitalized for half a year and began handling, regularly receiving shots of an antipsychotic drug. "It was like having my older sister dorsum once more," Danny says.

For the side by side 5 or six years, Jenny led a remarkable and productive life. She worked for the National Association of Mental Illness, was on the board for the National Organization for Women, volunteered regularly, tutored college kids, and wrote a book. Her friend Lauren describes her as "a cute, smart, funny person who deserved a much easier life than the one she had."

conceptual illustration


On July 17, 2017, Jenny jumped from the tenth floor of a parking garage at Tampa International Airport. Looking in his sister's handbag after her death, Danny discovered that she had purchased a ticket to Chicago but never boarded the aeroplane. In the years prior to her expiry, Jenny's mental health had deteriorated and her delusions had returned—she had begun threatening Danny and his young son, leading him to have out a restraining order against his sister. The judge who granted the gild told Jenny she had to get a psychological evaluation within a year. She was dead within two months.

Afterwards her death, Jenny'south family unit searched her hotel room and her apartment, but the 42-year-old didn't go out a annotation. "We wanted to find a reason for why she did this," Danny says. And so, a week after his sister's death, Danny—a certified ethical hacker, who runs his ain pocket-sized applied science business—decided to look for answers on Jenny's computer.

Right now, on Facebook pages, forums, blogs, YouTube channels, and subreddits across the internet, thousands of people are sharing their belief that they are being "gangstalked." These cocky-described "targeted individuals" say they are being monitored, harassed, and stalked 24/seven by governments and other organizations. Targeted individuals claim that seemingly ordinary people are in fact trained operatives tasked with watching or harassing them—delivery men, neighbors, colleagues, roommates, teachers, even dogs. And though small compared with the about pop online forums, gangstalking communities are growing speedily; one estimate from 2016 suggested that there might be 10,000 people in such groups across the cyberspace. Today, just one subreddit and ane Facebook grouping adds up to over 22,000—and in that location are hundreds more groups scattered across different platforms.

The only academic written report on gangstalking, a 2015 research article published in The Periodical of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology, involved a questionnaire of 128 gangstalking victims undertaken by forensic psychologist Lorraine Sheridan and stalking good David James. Sheridan and James found that—compared to people who experienced stalking from an individual—people who believed they were existence gangstalked scored more than highly on depressive and mail-traumatic symptoms, and "had a clear demand for psychiatric support." The authors concluded that gangstalking is "delusional in basis," with those surveyed making improbable claims well-nigh hostile gangstalkers in their children's schools, traffic lights existence manipulated to ever turn red, heed-controlled family and friends, and the invasion of their dreams.

Every mean solar day, the internet legitimizes these beliefs. A post entitled "confessions from a gangstalker" has been copied-and-pasted widely, while people share their own stories of being targeted by strangers or incapacitated by technology in their homes. Frequently, people log on looking for help—"Am I going crazy or am i beingness stalked?" reads a postal service on a gangstalking subreddit shared at the get-go of 2020 by a teen who claimed to have a schizophrenia diagnosis—and leave with what they believe are the answers. (Editor's annotation: we have decided non to link to any of the gangstalking-related posts or forums mentioned in this commodity.)

As he combed through Jenny's computer, Danny constitute his sis subscribed under a series of aliases to what he describes every bit hundreds of gangstalking groups across Facebook, Twitter, and Reddit. His discovery sparked memories from the months before Jenny'southward death, when she had get-go mentioned the term "gangstalking." He had registered it equally nonsense at the fourth dimension. Her illness sometimes manifested as elaborate fictions where Jenny was the victim of some shadowy conspiracy—though she had in one case attempted to bring together the Church of Scientology, she also believed the organization was monitoring her and using technology of some sort to torture her in her apartment. She thought her family unit were gangstalkers and she was going to exist forced to become a "breeder."

"It blew my listen to see at that place was a giant group of people basically reinforcing this," Danny says of finding the online groups. "Something like that was probably the worst thing she could have seen. If this was 20 or 30 years agone, there wasn't the internet. If you went up to somebody and said 'People are gangstalking me,' they would think you were crazy. But if you're on the internet, alone in your apartment, you can get a respond of 'Oh yeah, me too'."

Let'due south be clear: The net didn't impale Jenny—suicide has many, oftentimes mysterious causes, and those suffering from psychosis are at particular take a chance. Simply Danny believes it played a office. Co-ordinate to Danny, Jenny sometimes struggled with her medication. She built upward tolerance to her antipsychotics, he says, and her mental health would ofttimes deteriorate when she switched medication.

There is enough of evidence that the online forums Jenny frequented and digital circles she ran in can be dissentious. In a Reddit post from ii years ago, a user explains how he was diagnosed with schizophrenia and initially attempted to resist the diagnosis due to his belief in gangstalking. He describes his relief upon taking antipsychotics and finding the stalking stopped. "They got you," another user wrote back; another still said, "I remember that you are wrong to say that you have an affliction." Across the subreddit, many posters encourage a distrust of medical professionals and discourage the use of antipsychotics—"They will make your situation infinitely more than worse," reads a mail service from the starting time of the year. Some merits that gangstalkers are trying to drive their victims mad in order to delegitimize them.

He describes his relief upon taking antipsychotics and finding the stalking stopped. "They got you," another user wrote back; another nonetheless said, "I recall that you are wrong to say that y'all have an illness."

Harry is a 23-year-old from Texas who began experiencing delusions when he started college (his name has been inverse to retain his anonymity). Afterward witnessing a rape at a fraternity, he began losing sleep; his state of affairs was exacerbated past a breakup and schoolhouse-related stress. Harry came to believe he was being stalked, filmed, and whispered about—on multiple occasions, he screamed at strangers to stop post-obit him. Eventually, he was institutionalized for a month and diagnosed as bipolar.

Online spaces didn't exacerbate Harry's delusions—he only found a gangstalking subreddit after he had been treated. Still, the forum made him angry. "If anyone had acted like they believed me or gone along with my delusions, that probably would've added some other month to breaking out of information technology," he says now. "It'due south hard enough to break out of information technology when nobody believes y'all … but if you take a community of people that are willing to agree with y'all that the entire world'southward against yous, it'southward bad, bad trouble."

Harry decided to post on the subreddit to evidence people "a style out" of their way of thinking. Commenters labelled his diagnosis "irrelevant" and a correlation between mental illness and a belief in gangstalking was immediately dismissed.

While working as a psychiatrist in a New York City hospital only over 15 years ago, Joel Gold encountered 5 separate people who believed they were the star of their own reality Television program that was broadcast around the world. Everybody else, Gilt's patients believed, were actors employed in the farce. If these beliefs sound familiar, that's because they infringe heavily from the plot of 1998'due south The Truman Show, a night comedy nearly a man watched by the world since birth. Gold christened their beliefs "the Truman Evidence mirage."

still from The Truman Show
In 1998, The Truman Show offered a mind-bending take on the idea that we're each the star of our own movie.


In 2014, Golden—at present a professor of psychiatry at New York University School of Medicine—co-authored a book with his brother, Suspicious Minds: How Culture Shapes Madness. In it they argue that delusions are shaped by guild, and that the world around us influences the form psychosis takes. "Every bit technology has evolved, people with delusions have absorbed the technology of the day," Gold says. He argues that it's natural that people feel they're under surveillance—thanks to social media and the rise of CCTV cameras, we often are. "So information technology's a double hitting, if you lot volition," he says. "At that place's an underlying delusion that many people might take come up to anyway, and then there are the seeds of reality that people use to build their delusion upon."

Many who share stories of gangstalking online write of televisions that talk back, hacked computers, microwave weapons, and "voice to skull" technology that allows a harasser to transmit messages directly into the mind of the harassed. Gold says many of his patients with the Truman Bear witness mirage only came to believe they were a Idiot box star later on they had watched the motion-picture show, with many of them explicitly referencing the film as a moment of enlightenment.  Information technology'due south possible that some people stumble upon gangstalking sites and these sites influence the grade their delusions have.

Gold notes it is obviously "non necessary to exist on these chat rooms" in order to develop gangstalking delusions, but from a handling perspective, he says gangstalking sites "complicate matters." "If I was seeing someone who believed they were being gangstalked and I gingerly explained why I thought they were suffering from mental affliction, they could very but and confidently betoken to these chat sites and say, 'Are we all crazy?' Information technology becomes much more challenging."

book cover for Suspicious Minds


Then again, he says, these sites could have benefits for some people who believe in gangstalking—it could be soothing for an individual to learn they are non alone. At that place's evidence that this happens, or at to the lowest degree that some people are trying to connect in a positive fashion through these forums. Many posters who practice not believe in gangstalking come up to offering help to those who believe they're beingness stalked, including by sometimes challenging those beliefs. In the Reddit postal service where the user described antipsychotics stopping his delusions, there were also supportive comments aslope the negative ones. "Congrats! Yous are speaking very clearly now with such a positive view," read the most-upvoted annotate, in which a user asked questions about medication.

Harry, the swain who tried to offer a vox of dissent on a gangstalking subreddit, says that despite receiving negative comments, a scattering of people messaged him privately for help. "A lot of time the people that were posting at that place had no one to aid them, no one to talk to," Harry says. "Even though there are resource out in that location, they need help to effigy out what those resources are. I thought I could apply my experience as a way to aid."

For many experiencing mental disease, the internet can be a lifeline—a resource that allows people to talk freely in a globe that still heavily stigmatizes their suffering. Therapy remains unaffordable and inaccessible for many in the US—the National Alliance on Mental Disease reports that the average delay between onset of mental illness symptoms and treatment is 11 years, while lx% of US counties do not take a practicing psychiatrist. "I would but really like to talk—most anything," wrote one user on a gangstalking subreddit in May, request users to chat with him virtually Netflix, the atmospheric condition, and birds. A couple of users offered to strike upward friendship, and information technology seems the original affiche achieved his want to find, "people who understand you, believe you, just know what it'south like." In a Facebook grouping for people who believe themselves to exist victims of gangstalking, which has nearly eight,000 members, users discourage suicide, pray for one another, and encourage each other to "stay strong."

"Not what yall say" on right side view of Remington rifle
Aaron Alexis scrawled "Not what y'all say!" into the shotgun he used to kill 12 people at the Washington Navy Yard in 2013.


Others argue that any benefits that may come up from such sites are outweighed past the existent-world harm that could issue from stoking belief in gangstalking. Robert Bartholomew is a sociologist and writer of A Colorful History of Popular Delusions (in this context, "delusions" refers to social delusions—imitation beliefs and panics shared by a order, such as the Salem Witch Trials, or the Red Scare—non psychotic delusions).

A few years ago, he joined the mailing list of a man who believed he was a targeted individual. The man's newsletter went out to over 800 people, and he became increasingly erratic over time. In May 2019, he sent an email using threatening linguistic communication earlier claiming he could "could hands break Alexis' record." Aaron Alexis was a 34-year-old US Navy contractor who shot and killed twelve people in the Washington Navy Grand in September 2013. He left behind a note on his computer in which he claimed he was being controlled by depression frequency electromagnetic waves. When Bartholomew received the newsletter from the human who threatened to imitate Alexis, he (and others) contacted the man's local police department—he is at present in prison.

In a separate instance in 2014, a lawyer in New Mexico filmed a video well-nigh his experiences being gangstalked past the authorities before shooting and injuring three people.

Some on gangstalking forums encourage 1 another to act on their delusions. In one Reddit post, a user shares tips on how to "fuck with" stalkers (who they call "perps"): cut them off in traffic, bump into them, provoke them to anger. In another, someone threatens to shoot at drones. Bartholomew believes online gangstalking spaces are a "public health issue" only likewise says, "the genie is out of the bottle and there is no going dorsum."

There is another genie that has emerged from its bottle over the last decade, i that touches nigh everyone who uses the internet: the dangerous impact of online misinformation. According to a March survey by Pew Research Center, 48% of American adults reported seeing made-up news most the Covid-19 virus. In calorie-free of the pandemic, social networks have increased their efforts to tackle false news, with Twitter now labelling misinformation and Facebook directing its users to the World Health System'south website.

How tin someone distinguish delusions from conspiracies fed by misinformation? In the UK, dozens of telephone masts were burned or vandalized in April afterwards misinformation spread on social media that 5G damages people's wellness, with some blaming the technology for the coronavirus. Celebrities such as actor Woody Harrelson and boxer Amir Khan take spread the conspiracy, while broadband engineers accept been attacked and threatened. In a Facebook group for people who believe they are the targets of gangstalking, an April post read, "Burn all 5g towers down," to which commenters added, "NO! Burn those who created them!" and "Destroy them or they will destroy us."

London anti-5G protestors on May 2, 2020

AP Photograph / MATT DUNHAM

There is a murky overlap between these 2 worlds, simply Bartholomew argues—equally the 2015 research newspaper demonstrated—that virtually gangstalking beliefs are based on clinically delusional tendencies. "Your run of the mill conspiracy theory believer is not psychotic," he says. Non everyone who frequents gangstalking forums is clinically paranoid or experiencing persecutory delusions, of course, simply every bit everyone who visits 5G conspiracy forums cannot exist declared free of psychosis. Still both phenomena highlight how the internet can legitimize and spread fringe beliefs.

While Google, Twitter, Facebook, and others have taken steps to combat many sources of misinformation and dangerous content online—Reddit banned the pro-Trump subreddit r/The_Donald in belatedly June for violating several of the site's policies—activity and discussion around gangstalking continues to wing beneath the radar. If you lot Google "5G coronavirus," for case, the starting time result is a promoted link from WHO "busting myths," and the first page of results is full of words like "conspiracy theory" and "fake." Searches for "gangstalking" also include news articles questioning the veracity of the phenomenon—but at the time of writing, a worrisome Facebook post from 2013 is still among the superlative ten results. The three,000-word screed claims that gangstalking is existent, arguing, "If we don't want to be overpowered, we need to have advisable measure as soon as possible."

Danny is legally not allowed access to Jenny's medical records and therefore doesn't know if she stopped taking her medication, or a medication change prompted her decease. Only he believes gangstalking forums played at least some function in his sister's decline. "From the corporeality she was reading and subscribed to, information technology was taking upwardly a really large infinite in her life," he says. He estimates that she logged on to at least one gangstalking forum every day.

Danny reported the gangstalking groups he constitute on Jenny's computer to Facebook and Reddit, only he never received whatsoever response. He remains "pissed off" by the fact these spaces are permitted, and firmly believes they are dangerous. The subreddit's own sidebar rules say giving specific medical communication is banned. Reddit itself bans subreddits that explicitly encourage or incite violence, but gangstalking subs practice not violate any of its current policies. A Facebook company spokesperson said: "Nosotros e'er want people to feel welcome and safe on our platforms which is why nosotros take a set of customs standards which prepare out the limits for adequate behaviour and content. Nosotros volition take activeness against any content which violates our policies, and encourage people to use our reporting tools for any posts they are concerned about."

Jenny was vi years older than her niggling brother Danny, which means she often babysat him when she was a teen. With fondness, he recalls that she invented a "Sunny Day Schoolhouse" to occupy her younger siblings in the summer holidays—there were lesson plans, costumes, badges, classes, even an canticle. When Danny became a teenager himself and life got tougher, Jenny would drive him to the bookstore or to a picture show or to Taco Bong—"literally just driving, the longer the better." Sometimes, the siblings just sat in a parking lot and spoke for hours at a time. "She had all of that big sis wisdom," Danny says. "That's what I use the about from her now."

When asked what he thinks nigh the fact that people like his sister can still participate in gangstalking forums today, he doesn't mince words. "I recall about my sister in her more than lucid moments, when she was medicated, when she volunteered to help people who were mentally sick—if she saw what I saw, she would exist on the net every day trying to close it downwardly ."


Source: https://www.technologyreview.com/2020/08/07/1006109/inside-gangstalking-disturbing-online-world/

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